Tuesday, June 16, 2009


i cant sleep..Sleepless Nights~~

based on my own psychological research (XD), apparently those (lets name it B) who had a crush on someone (lets name it A) will read A's blog from head to toe no matter how long,boring n unrelated t blog is to B.

hence..(perasan a bit)..if u r reading EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN DETAIL of my cheong hei blog,,this means u had a crush on me!!
wahahaha..just kidding.. however it is true to some ppl?

yours truthfully,insanely, crazily,
huan kuasa dua

~~peace out~~V^^V

p/s : waiting any moment for my mom to freak out due to t loud typing noise..hee hee..however..no more now~~


  1. eh.add chatterbox! XP
    discovered my blog yet???

  2. erm how??
    still newbie here=.=""

    yeah haha..

  3. umm...mayb i'll show u how d next time i go to ur house.haha

  4. u asked for my blog adds, u had a crush on me? i know myself sexy~ =.= Duh~ gila~
