finally i am able to gain access to my lonely blog here, a lot bitter things not forgetting some sweet crazy moments had happened throughout t period from t last blog i posted here till now,..
i have learnt that we should appreciate friends that care for us n don give a damn on those that doesnt value our friendship,..hell yeah!
well this exam period is (well in my opinion) t most torturing period in my entire exam many to study, many difficult chim chim de names and terms to remember(hmmm so far i manage to remember helicobacter pylori, iodamoeba butschlii, mycobacterium tuberculosis.<<.cheh show off kononnya wahahah!!>>)...n u know,..i like to go home mainly because i wanna meet my two nephews(big C n small c)..i don like to be stuck in setapak, t current place i am living in kl during my (hell)semester period,,sad to say ..i hate setapak!!!!!!!!!!!
but i have no choice but to try my best to stay positive n live life t fullest..sniff sniff**...but dunno why this time due to certain circumstances, i met some problem in finding transport back n forth KL..i have never felt tat tense n stress b4.T.T..but thank god in t end i manage to find..n from this, i learnt of who are t good ones who will be there for thou when u need them n also.. sad to say,, those helpless selfish ones(well maybe they have their own difficullties) i hereby wanna thank those who have help n support me throughout my self-assumed difficult moments..really appreciate ur effort, n u know who u r(>.^)..xoxo
overall i can just say that all the obstacles, disappointment, pain n misery(yet not all t time la) that i experienced throughout this period had made me a STRONGER person n nothing will stop me from achieving my dream(s)..hell yeah!!>.,< aza aza fighting!!
i shalt end this post by two wordss
~Good Night~
wahahaha..zzzzzz..(but i am not in t sleeping mood yet)