Wednesday, July 1, 2009


yesterday i met my ex classmates again..this time with mangay, faheem n sebastian..

me n mangay went out from my house at 9.30am n waited in front of acmar for like 30 minutes~
then i messaged Faheem "r u there" then he replied "yea"..little do i know that his "yea" meant he just woke up..@#$%^..haha

so mangay suggested that we wait for them at WismaMasalam(shah Alam)which is nearto faheem's house i supposed..we waited for another 30 minutes than that!!@#$%^^%$#$#@..haha..well this is i supposed because he had to get up from his bed, brush teeth, wash face, shower, (maybe smoke in shower?wahaha) pangsai, dry his body, get out from shower, dry his hair using hair dryer,comb his hair, put lotion, put moisturiser, put toner,..bla bla..then he went to klang to fetch sebastian near centro then drive back to shah alam to meet us!...that makes us think why in t first place he said ok when mangay asked him whther is it better for him if we wait at shah alam cause we assume its nearer to his house so he wouldnt have to rush..well..watever~~we could have just waited in front acmar..

so..durin this one hour of waiting for them,the n mangay were friggin we went to Baker's cottage to heal a lil bit of our hunger first..@#$$#@..
we realised that we are specially more aware of red cars..thats because we are hoping that finally a red-coloured My Vi will appeared at long last! yea we're anticipatin Faheem's car to appear faster cause we r starving..T.T..and i hate waiting( i know i let some ppl wait before also..sorry yea..hehe)..

finally..after t forth or fifth call , "we're at con..conc..concorde d!!"said sebby..n after 5 minutes or so ..t red (sort of red la) car finally appeared..haha..

Faheem suggested to eat Char we followed his car..his driving skill is cute~ we reached, ate , talked n laughed..even smoked......(fahem only)..t day was windy after that we planned to watch Ice Age 3 in sunway pyramid..we go in separate cars as mangay n sebastian had some chores to be done..

again me n mangay reached there frst..lucky i booked as its ren san ren hai there..haha..but i had booked for 3D accidentaly tat costs us RM 17 each..(don go for 3D movies in cinema as t stup spec makes u wish u weren't wearing it n it makes not tat much difference after all)

so ..we watched Ice Age 3 3D..its was fun to watch..those baby characters are cute..esp t BAby Dinosss.mua mua mua..hahah..and this is t first time i see such an overreacted audience..those ppl behind was dark we dint see their faces..they laughed aloud even tho t scene wasn't tat funny..n when peaches(watch Ice Age n u will know who) is born. we heard a loud "Awwwwww.."..tats when faheem was sort of rofl..haha..yea we laughed as well..hahaha^^..
throghout t movie, i heard mangay, faheem n sebby's laughter occasionally..

this makes me think,
A Boy who laughed WITH a girl at cute-funny scenes ARE CUTE
A Boy who laughed AT a girl cause t girl think t scene is cute n funny n t-boy-thinks-tat-this-is-stupid-n-tat-if-he-laughs-along-tat-makes-him-sissy-and-unmanly*-..well THAT DOES NOT MAKE HIM MAN AT ALL AFTER ALL!

SO. t end of t movie makes t end of our outing as well..

though most of t time we are waiting for them n always calling lookin for them, haha..
but i enjoyed , had fun n will MISS THEM..;D..
CAUSE we are still *once an acmarian forever an acmarian*
that makes us related as Acmarian family members(said by Faheem once due to certain Circumstances)

hope there is more outing with them n more ex-acmarians will attend by then..:)

till then ..let our journey continue n we shalt meet in t next stop again...

~peace out~~24/7 HEAVEN

by t way, u guys should go listen to Friends by Big Bang..Friggin Nice!!!XDDD..i am listening to it now..makes my mood good..
~music makes me happy, music makes me alive!!XDD~

well at least music makes me calm as i woke up at six for no reason unable to sleep back cause i am nervous as i will be back to t challenging world t next day..~